The Christian Union Sports Club (CUSC) (in Colombia known as the “Social and Sport Corporation of Colombia”–COSDECOL), officially founded in 1991 in Medellín, evolved out of a neighborhood soccer tournament that was organized as a way to reach out to young men who were being recruited into the life of violence and crime spawned by the Medellín Drug Cartel. Mark Wittig, an American who arrived in Medellín in 1986 with his family to teach at a university/seminary, founded the tournament along with other local friends.
A young leader from the neighborhood, a participant in the tournament, turned his back on the “cartel life” and began to work with Mark in developing a soccer program for adolescents. While Alvaro Cano would coach the team of young soccer players, Mark would teach them values and principles from the Word of God. Out of this initial group several became Christians and entered a period of discipleship with Alvaro and Mark. They later became coaches in the program, and more teams were organized in other neighborhoods of the city. Over a process of time, the CUSC grew and today has 32 full-time and part-time staff, 130 soccer teams with 3,400 participants from the poorest neighborhoods of the city, a citywide soccer league, a brownie, cookie and cake business that employs 28 young people full-time, and a developing sports and retreat facility. The CUSC has also established sports programs in sixteen vulnerable areas of the country, mainly rural.
Josh & Charlotte Morgan
About me
I was born and raised in Knoxville, TN in a Christian home with very supportive Christian parents. I went to Christian private schools all the way through high school, but I never really understood the Gospel. My junior year of high school, one of the former soccer coaches asked me to go on the Charlotte Eagles Youth Tour to Brazil that summer. I accepted his offer because I loved playing soccer and playing in Brazil sounded like a dream. Little did I know that this trip would completely change my life. In Brazil was the first time I ever witnessed the ability to play soccer for the Lord, and that is when the Gospel finally clicked for me. Because of that, on the third night in Brazil, I fully surrendered my life to the Lord and gave everything up to Him. Ever since then, I have been a firm believer in using soccer as a tool to spread the Gospel, and I have obtained a passion for sports ministry. After I graduated high school, I was able to attend Transylvania University in Lexington, KY where I had the opportunity to play soccer all four year, meet a beautiful woman of God that I am lucky enough to call my wife, Charlotte, and continue using my passion for sports ministry to reach others. With the opportunities God has given me in my past, I am stoked to see what He has awaiting Charlotte and me in the future.
How & why I became a MAI Missionary
The summer of my junior year in high school, 2013, I went to Brazil with Charlotte Eagles Youth Tour and that was my first ever missions/sports ministry trip. On that trip is where I gave my life to Christ and learned the joy that comes form playing for Jesus. Then the following summer, 2014, I went back on Youth Tour with the Charlotte Eagles to Brazil to learn more about sports ministry and how I could use the sport I have been playing all my life to reach the lost and spread the Gospel. After that trip, I was hooked on sports ministry. As I graduated high school and went to college, I felt like I was too old for Youth Tour, but I still wanted to spend my summers playing soccer and serving the Lord. So the summer of 2015 I decided to go to Germany for a couple weeks with a few guys from the Charlotte Eagles. After running soccer camps in Germany, I felt like God was calling me to sports ministry. So I dropped my plans for an engineering degree, changed my major to psychology, and told God, “Here I am, send me.” Then the next summer, 2016, I was pointed to the Chicago Eagles Summer Academy and I absolutely loved it. I fell in love with the kids in the neighborhood and being able to watch them experience Jesus and have their lives changed. Also, in the same summer, I went to the Olympics in Brazil with a small team from the Charlotte Eagles and used sports ministry to share the Gospel with Olympic athletes, coaches, and fans. It was incredible to see that no matter how old someone gets or how successful they become, their life can still be changed by Jesus. The summer of 2017 I found myself back with the Chicago Eagles to see if this was where God wanted me. I felt at home up in Chicago and knew that was God’s way of telling me that I am home. I am excited to see how God uses me in Chicago and I am ready to serve in any way I can.
Masa & Chie Yokota
About me
Chie and I have two children Joe and Jen. I accepted Jesus when I was 18 years old at Word of Life Bible camp in Schroonlake NY. This is where I met Chie for the first time.
God opened the doors for me to study abroad. First he went to Word of life Philippines for 6 months to learn Bible and English, then I went to Word of life NY for 2 years and Israel college of the Bible for a year. I then attended Grace college for 2 years and Seminary for a year and half to finish my degrees in Intercultural ministries.
Chie accepted Jesus when she was 13 yrs old through a missionary from Indiana. She went to Lancaster Christian high school and went to Word of life Bible institution. She went back to Japan and worked at mission organization for a year and went to Israel college of the Bible for a year.
Tom & Jodi Gerlach
About me
Tom’s resume includes a combined total of 31 seasons from a multitude of organizations, both boys and girls. At the high levels, he has head coached in the Women’s Premier Soccer League (WPSL) and assistant coached at Tusculum University (NCAA Division II). Tom has also head coached high school boys at Christian Academy of Knoxville (CAK) and Christ Presbyterian Academy (CPA), girls high school soccer at CPA, and both boys and girls Division I club soccer. Tom has been named “Coach of the Year” 15 times, he’s had 14 state final appearances, 9 state championships, and he holds the record for the most consecutive high school state championships (5). When it comes to community and committee involvement, Tom has an extensive list. He is the Director of Eagles Academy Nashville and International Youth Tours with the Charlotte Eagles (both part of Missionary Athletes International). He sits on boards including the United Soccer Coaches Association Faith Based Coaching Board, the Tennessee High School Soccer Coaches Association Executive board, the United Soccer Coaches Association Award of Excellence committee, and chairs the Pinnacle Award for the United Soccer Coaches Association. He also chairs the Division II-A All State rankings as well as the All State team. He will also be a presenter at the United Soccer Coaching National Convention in 2019 and 2020. Tom resides in Nashville, TN with his wife, Jodi, and two children.
How & why I became a MAI Missionary
My life was drastically changed when I went on tour as a player, and I saw that some of my own players could have the same experience if I was able to provide that opportunity for them. Through connections with the Week of Champions and my college soccer coach Stephen Jones, I was able to contact David Sanford and pursue my passion for sports ministry.
Tom & Olena Merchant
About me
Grew up in Maryland
Grace Brethren Christian School – Clinton, MD – graduated 1990
Liberty University – Cross-cultural Studies – graduated 1994
MAI tours and camps in USA and Europe since 1989
Full-time MAI staff since 1997
1997-1999 Chicago
1999-2003 Moscow, Russia
2003-2007 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2007- Rivne, Ukraine
Married Olena Forsyuk (Merchant) 2001
2 daughters – Michelle and Melody
Partnering with and assisting the Christian Football Club “Nadiya” (Hope) and supporting soccer ministry in Ukraine as a founding member of the Christian Football Union of Ukraine (CFUU / ХФСУ)
How & why I became a MAI Missionary
I joined tours to Denmark, Norway and then Russia and all over Europe. I also worked some camps in the States before focusing on Russia and Ukraine. God showed me that I can and should use the skills and talents that He has given me to serve Him and society. My life has been saturated with soccer and God has inserted me into the Slavic map. Pray for these people. Life here is not all about fun and games. It’s tough. People have eyes but do not see; ears but do not hear. And many seem to prefer being blind and deaf. But there still are some honest seekers and youth that need God’s love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of sins.
Zack Miller
About me:
- Originally from Northern Virginia
- Grew up playing all sports (I love to compete) and soccer is my favorite.
- Graduate of James Madison University
- Moved to the Holy Land (Israel) in 2014 and have been working in youth ministry since. (Young Life and MAI)
How & why I became a MAI Missionary?
Jesus, soccer, international…these are the 3 things I want my life to be about and I found a way to mix them together serving with MAI. I think soccer is a beautiful game and it brings me joy to watch, coach and play it. My experience in Nazareth and Haifa made me fall in love with the local culture (Palestinian and Israeli) and God continues to show how good He is day by day.