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Brit Haseltine
About me:
I was born and raised in Delaware County (“Delco”), PA, and attended The Christian Academy (TCA) K-12. I played soccer at Messiah College, received a degree in engineering, and returned to Philly to work for the Navy. I love all sports, fishing, Excel spreadsheets, reading, and gathering people. I am a product of the unconditional love of my parents, the accountability of my coaches, and the best friends. Above all, truly, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. He is my all in all.
What brought me to MAI:
Since I was young, God has placed me in formative sporting environments. Working to reflect God’s nature, alongside my Dad, coaches, team mates, and now the players I coach, is like Church on a field. It is one of the most fruitful, meaningful, and joyful aspects of my life. Through internal and external confirmations from the Lord, I began pursuing the start of a sporting club ministry in the Delaware Valley before I knew MAI existed. A friend connected me with MAI and I found the Eagles to be near exactly what I had envisioned, with years of experience. The Lord’s hand was so clear and good to me through the process, I would love to tell you all that He’s done and is doing, please ask me! Ultimately, I believe sports to be incredibly fertile ground for the heart of mankind and that I have been blessed with the ability to work that ground. The world is hurting without Jesus Christ. I feel a serious responsibility and joy to share with them eternal life, walking with God, both in this life and forevermore.
Brit Haseltine
DelVal Executive Director
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Mike McFadden
About me:
I have been blessed with over 40 years of experience in this game that is enjoyed by the majority of the globe. Over 5 Billion people engaged with the most recent world cup and those numbers will only increase with the next Tournament hosted in the United States, Mexico, and Canada in 2026. Children and adults of all ages wake up every day thinking of their next opportunity to participate in the “Beautiful Game”. As fans, players, and coaches many feel a sense of camaraderie with people of all walks of life and backgrounds, regardless of your team or club affiliation. A world soccer, futbol, fussball, football family…so to speak. As a consequence of this the game continues to grow and affect lives positively. However, the game of soccer on its own will never solve the struggles we all experience in this world. Being transformed into a child of God through his loving grace and growing in relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ allows us to become a part of a family that is far more lasting and fulfilling. A team with a much greater goal of seeking excellence not just in sport, or work, or in our family life, but in living each day to Glorify God in all that we do. Eric Liddell, an olympic gold medalist who prior to leaving his homeland of Scotland to be a missionary in China was quoted as saying “let our motto be…Christ for the world, for the world needs Christ.” Our goal is to spread the good news of Jesus to the world. The game of soccer is how we create and foster relationships so that we may share that message. Jesus is the hope of the world. Being Disciples who make Disciples of that hope is our mission.
What brought me to MAI:
I was blessed to be introduced to the Gospel at a very young age through my family. I now know God’s Love was right in front of me at all times and his offer of forgiveness, redemption, and adoption into his Loving Family was served up like a perfect cross into the box for a tap-in goal. However, I spent most of my life out of position. Never there to receive that pass. From my teenage years through my 30’s I was clearly a rebel who in times of adversity sought answers in the world alone. Those struggles seemed never ending to the point of hopelessness as the answers never came. That hopelessness grew as I sought fulfillment in anything other than God. Everything let me down. Including soccer. My Life had no meaning. But then God! God allowed me to witness his life changing Grace in the lives of those around me and stirred a thirst for him in ways I did not fully understand. He surrounded me with guidance from Godly men and women who have poured into my life. He has revealed who he is and who I am as his wonderfully made child through his word and prayer. I was his. As I have grown in relationship with Jesus, the changes God has made in my life have never been more evident than in the opportunities he has provided me with to serve and share this faith, love and hope with others. First, to serve in the Children’s ministry at my Church. Living Hope Community Church in Perkasie, Pa.. Through which God has revealed to me my gift to relate to, teach and encourage others….especially children. Along with this I have been blessed these last 3 years with the opportunity to couple my love for ministry with coaching the game of soccer as the varsity soccer coach of Plumstead Christian School in Plumsteadville, PA. Coaching at a school whose mission is to foster an environment where young men and women can grow as followers of Christ while pursuing Academic and Athletic excellence using biblical principles has allowed me to understand not only what sports ministry can be, but that my life will be spent in pursuit of sharing the gospel through sport.
If you are moved to learn more about our mission and vision in sports ministry with MAI’s Del Val Eagles please feel free to contact me to talk more and to discuss partnership opportunities. As prayer is essential in all things in my life and yours, please pray that God continues to do wondrous things through this mission. Thank you and may God Bless you and keep you always.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Philippians 3:13-14
1 Timothy 4:8
Mike McFadden
Youth Programs Leader
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