Diana first got involved with the Chicago Eagles by volunteering at a summer camp in 2017. During her time at camp, she met a lot of people who love the Lord and in particular, a girl named Berlin, who had come to the US from the Dominican Republic for the Chicago Eagles Summer Academy. Diana and Berlin hit it off and had some very good conversations about life and the Lord. As a result of these conversations, Diana started thinking about who God really is, and who He is to her. She grew up Catholic but the thought of having a personal relationship with God was not something she had been interested in. Berlin returned to the DR after the summer but Diana continued her involvement wit the Eagles, playing in the fall on the U19 Lady Eagles team and attending Bible studies. She continued to learn and continued to ask questions about God. The Chicago Eagles staff were aware of her spiritual journey and never stopped praying for her, confident that the Lord was working in her heart. Then one night, during devotions following a U19 Lady Eagles practice, Diana heard Lauren, one of the Eagles coaches, talking about something that struck a cord. Lauren was speaking about one of the teams core values – Submission. She shared that submission meant fully giving her life to the Lord and she also shared how much she herself, struggled to submit. Nicole, another Chicago Eagles staff member drove Diana home after practice and it was obvious that she was contemplating what she had heard. Nicole asked her about what she was thinking and Diana shared that she was worried about giving up complete control of her life and what that could mean. Nicole explained more about what the Lord offers and how easy it is to become part of His family forever. When Nicole asked Diana what was holding her back from giving her life to the Lord, she said “nothing”. So right there in the car, Diana prayed and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.