One of the highlights of the day was working alongside Vincent and Bahati a young married couple that are refugees from the Congo. It was incredible hearing about their long journey the past five years from the Congo to a large refugee camp in northern Tanzania where they met, married and started a family. Three years ago they made their way to the States and the transition into our fast paced culture hasn’t been easy. Vincent and Bahati are in the beginning process of applying for a Habitat for Humanity home.
The time spent framing the second story townhouse were the beginning of their “sweat equity” hours which is one of the qualifications as they pursue more permanent and affordable housing for their family. MAI’s connection with Habitat in Charlotte comes through site supervisor Josh Turner who said, “It has been an honor working for Habitat the past 3 years in Charlotte. My current role is to coordinate the materials, plans and inspections that go into building a home as well as leading the volunteers that come out and serve at my sites. It’s amazing watching a house come to life when many hands work towards the goal of providing a new home for a family in Charlotte. My job with Habitat and the chance to serve the community is a huge blessing.”
It was an amazing experience to work together as an office in a different capacity to help well-deserving people acheive the dream of bettering their lives in America.